Enjoy your time in our restaurant with pleasure.

About our Restaurant

Why Us?

Lead at the top by a person with long, wide and varied experience in the hospitality industry would be at your disposal.

A culture and system well set to uptake a property and convert it into profit making unit in short period of time.

Focusing on guest relation and up grading marketing efforts to increase visitors and guests.

Enhancing property brand value through management that focuses on long term and simultaneously not forgetting good remuneration in present.


Mansingh Inn do not deal with Cash & Accounts i.e: Income incurred of a day will handover to owner’s representative every day.

Mansingh Inn do not keep Store Purchaser rather provide Store Keeper who will just order & get the things from Owner’s suggested shops.

Tariff, Restaurant Menu etc.. all things will be proceeded after sanction of owner.

Mansingh Inn do expects zero interruption in Management.